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Discipling our Children: The Parent’s Influence 

  1. Jenna says:

    Our family began our homeschool journey with devotionals. Than the 2nd year I was draw to the idea of studying the Bible Chronologically. I scoured different plans until I found one that was chronological through a year. As we went through each day we would stop and talk about what we read. Sometimes, it was really dry and so coming up with ways to make it meaningful were kind of difficult. So being my kids are visual and very hands on I found pictures and documentaries or the area that was spoken of to give them an idea of what we read.
    I would find coloring pages that they could do that connected to the specific scripture. If there was a verse they enjoyed or really spoke I would write it on a big note and we would sticky it to the wall.
    This year after completing the chronological we began again at the beginning. We added creation to Babel as our resource. My 1st grader has memorized the first verse of Genesis and we always reference back to it. But, taking time to dig deep. Ask each other “How does this point to Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit”, “What does this say about me?” I love that this year we barely go through the first chapter of Genesis but, that every part of our lessons in science and history keep pointing back to Genesis
    1. I didn’t do that intentionally either. One wanted to study marine biology and the other Mammals. Yet, God’s orchestrated it all to point back to him!

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